Focus on the patients in front of you

GuardianVets Virtual Front Desk handles incoming calls, so you can treat your patients without the pressure

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Trusted by thousands of veterinary professionals

Keep your customers trust - and their business

Stop missing calls. GuardianVets picks up your call overflow, and directs clients to the right place

Read the case study

Focused staff, and a calmer practice

No more trade-offs: your staff can concentrate on the task at hand without being distracted by front desk calls

Read the case study

Get more appointments, without losing efficiency

With phone calls answered for you, you’ll have more business and be more organized - without the cost of hiring a new team member

Read the case study

4864 admin calls answered

- Emergency Practice, Brook Farm, NY

$273,000 in

- Emergency Practice, Brook Farm, NY

826 hours of talk
time saved

- Emergency Practice, Brook Farm, NY

How it works

  1. Phone overflow directed to GuardianVets Virtual Front Desk after a set number of rings
  2. GuardianVets team member handles the tasks of a CSR: triaging urgent cases, administrative work like prescription requests, and booking appointments

Your in-house team is left to focus on the pets in front of them, without the pressure and distraction of a ringing phone

Practice medicine, not management

Want to learn how we can support your team? Book a 15-minute demo below:

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