Empty Voicemail Box? It’s Not a Win
You think your practice is doing fine because you don’t get many after-hours calls. Here’s the uncomfortable truth: the lack of calls isn’t proof your system works—it’s a glaring red flag. Every night, your voicemail is silently driving your clients to competitors who are answering the phone. Your business is bleeding loyalty, revenue, and reputation, and you don’t even see it happening.
What’s Really Happening
- “We don’t get many calls.” That’s not a comfort—it’s a warning. Based on GuardianVets internal data, a healthy 3-DVM practice should receive a minimum of 45 after-hours calls monthly. If you’re seeing fewer, your clients aren’t waiting for your voicemail—they’re calling the corporate urgent care clinic down the road or turning to 24/7 services like Chewy.
- “Our clients will come back after the ER.” Will they? Once a pet owner experiences the convenience and accessibility of a competitor, many won’t return. Nearly 38% of clients who try a new practice don’t come back to the original one. Average client retention in the veterinary industry is only 70%. That’s lost revenue and relationships you can’t afford to ignore.
Why It’s a Big Deal
- You’re Being Outperformed. Corporate giants like Chewy and Walmart clinics have made 24/7 accessibility their secret weapon. They’ve identified what you’re ignoring: pet owners demand real-time support. If you’re not meeting this standard, your competitors will—and they’ll win.
- Lost Clients, Lost Revenue. Retaining a client is five times cheaper than acquiring a new one. A simple 5% improvement in retention can boost profits by up to 95%. Without after-hours support, you’re flushing this opportunity down the drain.
- Your Reputation is on the Line. When your voicemail says, “Leave a message,” clients hear, “You’re on your own.” That’s not just poor service—it’s a betrayal of their trust, and it’s why they’ll turn to someone else.
The Urgency You Can’t Ignore
This isn’t just about being “nice” to your clients—it’s about survival. Every voicemail, every missed call, every referral to an ER clinic is a gift to your competition. You’re telling your clients, “We’re not here when it matters most.” They’ll believe you—and leave. The solution is simple: offer after-hours support. Show your clients you’re there for them, even when the clinic doors are closed. Stop losing clients to voicemail. Stop handing your competitors the keys to your practice. Act now—before you lose another client you’ll never get back. Try After-Hours Support Today.Practice medicine, not management
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