Case study

After Hours

Cascade group, Wenatchee, WA

The hospital group in Washington offers after-hours care for their city of 35,400 with distant emergency facilities. They were overwhelmed by the number of client and non-client calls coming into their phone lines. They collaborated with GuardianVets to triage customer questions after hours, directing urgent cases to on-call veterinarians while advising non-emergent cases to schedule exams during business hours. This ensures doctors are only disturbed for urgent cases and aligns with the purpose of triage.

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Trusted by thousands of veterinary professionals

The numbers with GuardianVets

GuardianVets makes it extremely simple and easy to manage a GV Suite

GuardianVets triaged 2841 after-hours cases

455 hours of talk time

$47,600 in revenue generated through GuardianVets

Time saved, Less stress, Less after hours callers

Guardian Vets provides a much needed service, especially with the demand for veterinary service being at an all time high! It has saved the sanity of our doctors and provided a better work- life balance for them, enabling us to keep them happy here. Thanks Guardian Vets!

Jane Haza, Hope Veterinary Clinic and their impression about GuardianVets

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