Focus on the patients in front of you

GuardianVets Call Intercept handles overflow incoming calls, so you can treat your patients without being distracted

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Trusted by thousands of veterinary professionals

Keep your customers trust - and their business

With Call Intercept you can stop missing calls, extended hold times, or sending clients to voicemail. Our team picks up your call overflow and provides your clients with the guidance they’re looking for, while giving your team the relief they need

Focused staff, calmer practice

No more trade-offs: your staff can concentrate on the task at hand while your clients can get the customer service they deserve

Schedule more appointments with less hassle

With GuardianVets help answering calls, your practice will be more efficient, especially when short staffed

4864 admin calls answered

- Emergency Practice, Brook Farm, NY

$273,000 in

- General Practice, Galena, IL

826 hours of talk
time saved

- Speciality Practice, Centerville, TX

How it works

  1. When your team is unable to answer a call, GuardianVets Call Intercept is ready to assist.
  2. The GuardianVets team is a seamless extension of your team. Our highly trained credentialed veterinary technicians will answer your clients’ calls to your specifications and can triage cases as well as book appointments, submit prescription refill requests, and more.

With GuardianVets, your in-house team is allowed to focus on the pets in front of them, without the distraction of endless client calls.